Wanju! Talofa! Ni hao! Bonjour! Namaste! Kia Ora! G’day!
Welcome to West Greenwood Primary School. Our P&C is an important and valuable part of our school community, and we’re happy to have you here.
What is a P&C?
It is the Parents and Citizens’ Association.
Who is the P&C?
The P&C is made up of volunteers who are all parents or members of our school community.
What does a P&C do?
The role of our P&C is to support our school community.
How does the P&C support the school community?
We organise different events and fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds for additional resources for our school. We also operate the canteen (Possum’s Pantry), Uniform Shop, Book Club, Costume Library, Year 5 & 6 fundraisers, food stalls and we have a fathering group called the D.A.W.G.S (Dads at West Greenwood School).
Do I have to join the P&C?
Membership is voluntary.
Why should I join the P&C?
It’s a great way to get involved, meet other parents and learn or try new things.
Being a part of our P&C gives you an opportunity to be a part of positive change for our school community. Our sub-committees focus on specific initiatives so that’s a great way to get involved and share ideas in a particular area of interest. Have a chat with one of our current committee members to find out why they do it. There are so many reasons to join but the main one we find is that people do it for their children and that’s the best reason of all.
How do I join the P&C?
Joining our P&C is simple.
You can download the membership form here or grab one at the school office.
Fill it in then email it to us or drop it in the P&C box in the office or bring it to a meeting. It only costs $1 for annual membership which entitles you to vote and speak at our meetings, and you can join any time during the year.
How often are the P&C meetings?
In 2022, our P&C meetings are once a term (excluding Term 1 which also includes our AGM). The times and dates for the year are posted on the school website and our Facebook page after the Annual General Meeting.
The meeting dates for 2022 are:
Term 1 | Week 4 | Wednesday 16th March |
Term 2 | Week 7 | Wednesday 8th June |
Term 3 | Week 5 | Wednesday 17th August |
Term 4 | Week 7 | Wednesday 23rd November |
All P&C meetings for 2022 are from 7pm-8pm.
(Meeting venue is confirmed in the school newsletter or via email to registered P&C members or on the WGPS P&C page on Facebook).
Where can I find more information about the P&C?
You can join our WGPS P&C group page on Facebook and there are regular P&C updates in our school newsletter and Connect. We are affiliated with the WA Council of State School Organisations Incorporated who also provide resources and information to help our P&C. We also follow specific guidelines as outlined in our P&C Constitution. You’re welcome to chat to any one of our members or send us an email with your questions.
Do I have to pay a P&C Contribution?
Our P&C requests a P&C Contribution of $35.00 per family per year which is voluntary. Every P&C contribution is included in the P&C funds which assist our school community.
How do I pay for P&C events and orders?
There are a few different ways:
- Using the QKR! App (our preferred method of payment)
- Cash in an envelope placed in the P&C box at the office
- Direct bank transfer to:
WGPS PandC – BSB: 016-495 Account: 193-585-147 - P&C contributions can also be paid with your Campion stationery order
What kind of events or fundraisers does the P&C run?
We’ve had so many wonderful events over the years.
In 2021, we held a Colour Run, Krispy Kreme FUNdraiser, D.A.W.G.S. Campout, Mothers’ Day stall, Online Father’s Day Stall and Egg Drive. Some events evolve, some are new and some make a comeback. Not every event is a fundraiser though. Some are just about bringing everyone together to celebrate our amazing school community.
How does a P&C choose what to fund?
Our P&C welcomes ideas and suggestions for funding which can be sent to us. Funding request forms must be filled in and submitted at least 10 days before a P&C meeting (with as much supporting information as possible). The request is then added to our meeting agenda and our P&C will discuss then vote. Not every funding request can be fulfilled but it’s always great to see the different suggestions and ideas. You just never know – your idea or request could be the next newly funded resource or project.
You can download a Funding Request Form and email it to us or drop it in the P&C box in the office. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Where do the funds raised go to?
All monies raised are used to purchase additional resources for our school such as playground equipment, furniture, educational materials and more. In 2021, our P&C contributed almost $40,000 to our school to assist with purchasing additional resources such as new play items for our Early Learning Play Area and so much more.
What are some ways that I can help the P&C?
There are so many ways!
We understand that not everyone can be present at meetings or events, so don’t stress! There are multiple ways to help like donating stuff, making stuff, setting up or packing up, cooking or baking, creating or printing.
We appreciate all the help that we get. Many hands make light work
Possum’s Pantry Information
Uniform Shop Information
D.A.W.G.S (Dads At West Greenwood School)
Book Club Information
P&C Contact Information
Main Contact Email | wgps.pandc@gmail.com |
Possum’s Pantry | wgpscanteen@gmail.com |
Uniform Shop | wgpsuniform@gmail.com |
Events & Fundraising | wgps.events@gmail.com |
Book Club | wgps.bookclub@gmail.com |
D.A.W.G.S | dawgs6024@gmail.com |
WGPS P&C – Office Bearer Roles (elected at AGM)
Vice President
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Secretary
Executive Committee – Office Bearers + no less than 3 P&C Members
- Events & Fundraising Coordinator + Events Committee
- Uniform Coordinator + Uniform Committee
- Canteen Treasurer + Canteen Committee
- Costume Coordinator + Costume Committee
- Book Club Coordinator
- D.A.W.G.S: Dads At West Greenwood School
- Year 6 Graduation Committee
Roles not elected at AGM – Year 5 Fundraising Committee; Parent Class Reps
- As per P&C Constitution Rule 18.5, all sub-committees must include
one member of the Executive Committee. - The P&C President is an ex-officio member of all sub-committees (P&C Constitution Rule 18.6).